

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
History of Art
Human, Social and Political Sciences
Land Economy
Management Studies
Modern and Medieval Languages
Theology and Religious Studies

Land Economy

Is it more important to focus on poverty at home or abroad?
Is the environment a bigger crisis than poverty/AIDS etc?
Do you think that getting involved in poverty abroad is interfering with others’ freedoms?
Make Poverty History is a commendable thought, is it a practical one?
Are houses overpriced? How is this possible given a supply and demand framework? What are the long-term consequences?
Why are wages higher in London?
How do towns grow?
You are a hunter hunting a fox. You are chasing the fox and it strays onto someone else’s land. You aim to shoot the fox but miss and someone else, not the landowner, shoots and kills the fox. Who has a valid claim to the fox?
How did the Romans help the UK become more technologically advanced than other countries?
Would you see greed is good or bad?
What kind of transport policy could be implemented in Cambridge?
Why is traffic so bad in cities and what would you do about it?
How would I test my hypothesis that the wealth gap is increasing?
What’s the best way to help poor countries?
What do you think are the implications for shopping with the phenomenon of the internet?
Was it fair that a woman’s planning application for painting her door purple in a conservation area was declined? How does global development affect your life personally?
What kind of transport policy could be implemented in Cambridge?
Why is traffic so bad in cities and what would you do about it?
Should fox hunting have been banned?
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What is the difference between the use of the direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish and English?
What is meant by subject and object?
This bench is long: what does this mean?
Why do some languages have genders when others don’t?
What is language?
Do you think teaching a child their first language is the same as teaching someone a second language?
Discuss the ambiguities in this sentence ‘I bumped into a woman carrying flowers’
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Management Studies

How would you market a rock band?
Consider a production line. What could be done to help the worker to get away from the routine?
Why do firms exist?
Why would you consider Toys R Us to be a failing business?
If a petrol station, on a road, is equal distant from two towns, where should the next petrol station be built?
Consider a production line. What could be done to help the worker to get away from the routine?
Are large or small companies more successful?
Why do Rolls-Royce build cars by hand, and Toyota by machine?
What is the basis of performance related pay?
What is the biggest problem facing CEO’s?
Should a Wal-Mart store be opened in the middle of Cambridge?
Are large or small companies more successful?
Why do Rolls-Royce build cars by hand, and Toyota by machine?
What is the basis of performance related pay?
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